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We care deeply about

our environmental issues


Public institutions and companies take the initiative in eco-friendly lifestyle practices.

  • Posted on
    Wednesday, April 19, 2017
  • Location
    Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
  • Themes
    Jeju Environment Policy
  • URL

Public institutions and companies take the initiative in eco-friendly lifestyle practices.
— Eco-friendly lifestyle practices including reducing the amount of waste, water and electricity consumption —

Twenty-eight public institutions and commercial firms, including the Jeju government, the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education and Jeju National University who play leading community roles will continue to lead the way in promoting eco-friendly lifestyle and spreading it throughout society.

In March last year, these 28 public institutions and companies signed a formal agreement promising mutual cooperation in transforming Jeju Province into an eco-friendly society by having their executives and staff members actively practice an eco-friendly lifestyle. Each institution and company selected three or four priorities for eco-friendly practices to be implemented.

As environmental problems such as trash and sewage treatment are increasing in recent years due to adverse effects from population growth and rising tourism, the Jeju government plans to set three priorities for eco-friendly lifestyle practices this year: reducing the amount of domestic waste and improving its recycling rate, reducing water consumption, and reducing electricity consumption. 

The Jeju government plans to monitor and assess the process of priorities for eco-friendly practices through a working council composed of heads of relevant departments from each institution and company; and plans to provide to institutions and companies, if they choose, education programs for eco-friendly company management and training instructors.

In addition, as early as June the Jeju government is going to co-host a market called Environment for Dream for the exchange or sale of second-hand goods in order to promote resource circulation. Moreover, it will create opportunities to share information mutually, discover best examples, and hold a contest for best practices of eco-friendly lifestyle to be used as a promotional material. 

“Changing our lifestyle to be eco-friendly is the only way to gain economic benefits of saving resources and protect the environment of a clean Jeju, UNESCO Triple Crown Winner,” said Kim Yong-bo, director of the Environmental Conservation Bureau. “We will make efforts to spread an eco-friendly culture throughout the citizens' lives by pushing forward three priorities for eco-friendly practices led by public institutions and companies.”