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  • Posted on
    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

There are so many Oreums on Jeju Island that you can not climb them all even if you climb one every day for a year. Geomunoreum is considered the best among them. Its name of Geomunoreum (Black oreum) was derived from the fact that dense forest in its crater shows weird block color, and also means a holy mountain. Its summit reaches 456m above sea level and measures 4.5km in circumference. At the summit lies a deep crater, and the crater is shaped like a horse-shoe with a large opening in the northeastern rim.
Gotjawal, ancient forests, grows in the interior of Geomunoreum crater. In these forests, nature has carved deep crevices called Sumgol into the rocks. The crevices act as natural waterways that channel rainwater into the ground. As it penetrates layers of scoria and basalt, the water is naturally cleansed of impurities and fortified with minerals.
To see Geomunoreum, visitors must sign up for a guided tour at the Visitor Center.